Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Epic BBQ Party at Punggol Park
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Day 15 The Y Gen
Deepest apologies for the missing blog post yesterday. As you can probably imagine, alot of us have fallen ill to a virus that has been passed around and have been stuck in bed sleeping it off.
Anyway, we're at our final post of the devotion! And with this you have completed 31 days of devotion! Or a WHOLE MONTH of Devotion with us! WOOHOO!!!
Today's devotion is about what we are going to do with our lives from now on. Throughout these 31 days, we learn about who we are in Christ, about who God is, and how we need to be Christlike. Now that we have learnt more about all that, we need to move on and start questioning how we as Christians need to take a step further, and live a life as radical christians.
We need to stop looking inward at ourselves, but rather, its time to start looking outwards and see how we can be the difference to the world around us. Yes, sometimes, I feel so small and insignificant in this world. Sometimes I wonder whether I am even making any difference at all in this world. Then I realise that we may only be a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be one drop less without us!
We read in todays devotion that we are the ones that make history. This is so true. We read of men like Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela. These guys single handedly caused a revolution and are remembered for shaping the world to how it is today. It only takes 1 person to do this... But imagine what we as a YM, or even as a generation at large, could achieve if we came together to do something great FOR GOD?!
There are so many various problems in the world today. We have a generation that is crying out "where is the Love?" and our response will need to walk, breathe and talk like love to everyone around us. Because thats the greatest commandments, Love God, and Love others.
One of my mottos in life is to Love God, Love People and Love Life. Thats it. And how I choose to live my life is by this motto. What about you? How will you choose to live your life today?
As we finish this devotion, read on to the next page in the booklet. There are a couple of challenges for you to take on. This should not mark the end of your quiet time, but rather it should just be a start to kickstart the spiritual habit of doing devotion and spending time with God every night. And I hope you do carry it on! There are more details on the last page of the devotion booklet for you to check out.
Also, we have a few small groups starting up soon, so let us know if you are interested in joining one! Let your YMM know if you are!
Anyway, thats it for me! See you!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Day 13- 3 months to live
Todays devotion is talking about what you would you do if you have 3 months to live and know when you are going to die ( duh) =)
So recently, i watched a movie called " PUSH " and it is about this kid who can push people . ok joke aside, he has super power to push things and control them without touching them . And in the show there is another super power called the "Watcher" . this watcher can predict the future if things and decisions are made as planned . And when you can predict the future, you get scared because you dont want to see yourself die in whatever way and you would change your life according to it . And the only way to change the future is , do things that are decisions made on the spot ( ITS JUST A MOVIE GUYS , JUST USING A PARALLEL EXAMPLE )
So its pretty much similar in todays devotion . What if you are a watcher, and you know what will happen next in every situation. Will you change or avoid the situation if you dont want it to happen? First things first, God holds our future, he is the only one in the whole universe/earth/planet/sky/everything who can travel in time so you dont need to worry because , in Jeremiah 29:11 it says : For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
So now you know your future is settled , How would you live your life next? Are you going to change how you live your life to more christ like or are you still going to be the same.
For me , this sentence : live as though Christ died yesterday , rose from the grave today , and is coming back tomorrow.
has struck me. We all should live such that since we dont know when we will die , Why not make full use of your time and live a godly life and Be God's Instrument in reaching out to others through SERVICE! What if Jesus comes back tomorrow , are you ready? Are you ready to face him and say that Hi jesus, i tried my very best. And when you reach heaven , jesus lets you look at your past. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE? Do you want to see yourself doing good deeds and living a Christain Life or do you want to see yourself, wasting it your life away.
Think about it , and start doing it
In God's love.
Jared (P.S : I AM SICK , PLEASE PRAY FOR ME =( i got a competition coming up ! )
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Day 12-Being Salty and Bright
I'll hopefully be seeing all of you in 9 hours! Woohoo!
Anyway, toda'ys devotion is what it means to be the salt and light of the world.
It's a verse we often read of, and a phrase that we often hear. For us to go out and become the salt of the earth and light of the world.
I remember I heard this sermon from Rick Warren who preached about being salty and bright. In a world that seems to be so clouded and so bent out of shape, with people striving for success rather than a Godly life, we need to remember why we are placed on earth for. We need to remember the 2 greatest commandments in the bible to Love God, and Love others. By being salty and bright, we obey these commandments, because we choose to love others. We choose to spice up the world we live in with God's word, we choose to stop the moral decay of society. And we choose to SHINE for God where ever we are and in whatever we do.
There are many ways for us to be salty and bright. As a start, for those of us who own blogs or who uses msn, we need to reflect on what we write on our blogs or on our PMs. Because people know that you are a christian, and if you swear or curse or write bad stuff on the blogs or PM, others around you will be thinking "How can a christian do that?". As a start, the next time you post an angry blogpost about something or someone, think again, if Jesus reads this, what would He think?
Another way to be salty and bright is to just be nice to everyone around you. Live a Godly live and be Christ like. And you will shine. Share your love and God's love with the people around you, so that they may see your good deeds and praise God in heaven.
More ways include being involved in ministry in church, sharing Christ with your friends, or just volunteering to help serve in whatever way you can.
So remember to be salty and bright whereever you go!!
P.s I remember I was given a packet of salt to remember this sermon by. Would have loved to have done the same for you guys, but im not that rich! Anyway, the salt was in my wallet for quite a while, until I used it on my fries one day cos i couldnt find any salt. =)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Day 11: Like Jesus
To be like Jesus / To be like Jesus / All I ask / Is to be like Him
All through life's journey / from earth to Glory / All I ask / Is to be like Him
Hi everybody!
Today’s (ok, tomorrow's) verse is one of those verses I tend to take for granted in the Bible, thinking I know what it means when I actually don’t.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.”
Perhaps it might help to look at a paraphrase of the verse by Eugene Peterson.
“…That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son. The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored.”
That’s pretty great, isn’t it? God deciding from the very beginning that He was going to shape our lives to become like that of Jesus. So ALL of us who love him, ALL of us whom God recognised from the very start, will be made like Jesus. It’s not a choice or a privilege for only the very “holy Christians”. If we are children of God who have the Holy Spirit working in us, we will become “Like Jesus”.
Yes, it is important to be Christ-like so that our friends will be drawn to Christ. It is also helpful to know that we can become more and more like Jesus through:
-Reading and Applying the Bible in our lives,
-Having the fruit of the Spirit developed in us,
-Loving one another, and
-Serving God and others.
Yet, I think it is even more reassuring that becoming Christ-like isn’t something we can strive (in our own strength) towards suddenly becoming. I often get frustrated with myself when I feel I am not yet “good enough” or up to standard (not loving enough, not having enough patience, etc etc) But this verse shows that I don’t have to strive!
The logic is this:
1) God WANTS us to be Christ-like, and he says he has decided that we will be.
2) So if we ask God to make us like Jesus, will he do it? Yes. Why? Because we are asking for something in his will.
4) But he will do it in his time and in his best way.
What we need to do, then, is to (1) ask him and (2) be submitted to the Spirit’s direction of our lives. Christ-likeness will then be formed in us, slowly but surely.
[BTW! For a period of time I kept wondering whether I had the Holy Spirit since I never ‘felt’ the Holy Spirit in a super clear way. 1 Corinthians 12:3 encouraged me greatly –
Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.
If we can confess with our lips and believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord, we have the Spirit in us – so let’s submit to His gentle prompting todayJ]
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Day 10- Dear God, I have a problem... It's me
When I read today's devotion about computers and softwares-- I was like " oh noooo" because this week I had to submit a radio assignment and had problems working the software properly( it kept quitting on its own! : / ) and saving my work. So glad its over for now-drove me nuts!
However, today's devotion is not about the software in us, but the "viruses" that corrupt our lives. If we didn't have Jesus in our lives, we would be overrun by all these "viruses" and with all that, do you think you can function properly? You would certainly crash. Computers crashing ( thats you! and also real computers) is just bad bad bad.
Whatever "virus" (sin) is weighing you down now, confess it to God and know that He will forgive you. We are not perfect and therefore we sin, even if you don't tell anyone, God still knows. No matter how small/ big a sin you think it is --they are all still sins and you just confess it all to God and he will take it all away (: Always ask God to give you the strength to resist the sin we face in our everyday lives because without Him we are always vulnerable.
Have a good day and rest of the week ahead : D
DAY 9: The Theme Song of Your Life
Hebrews 2:18
“Because He Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted