Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 1 Devotions.

hey all ,

i am going to talking about the Day One devotion k . so please feel free to tell us how you guys feel as well.

Firstly, Obviously the main theme of the passage is scarifice! but what about it. To me . lets look at break it down ( dont start breakdancing) into different verses of the passage given to us . Verse 3 to 5 spoke to me while i was reading it. It is " Not only so , but we also rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance : perserverance, character: and character ,hope. And hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit ,whom he has given us. Whoa never expected it yea?

When problems step into your life, we often ask God , GOD IF YOU ARE SO GREAT AND MERCIFUL! WHY DO YOU LET PEOPLE SUFFER! there you go. Thats your answer. He wants us to build character , perserverance then hope. This Hope that we have doesnt disappoint us! cause God gave us this wonderful present which is the Holy Spirit. And taking from the show fighting spiders " Hope keeps the spirit alive" . How true is that? the Hope that we are currently having now actually keeps our fire burning for God. So we should keep Hoping! DONT EVER lose hope in God =)

Verse 6 to 8 talks about how loving our father is and HOW DEEP IS OUR FATHER'S LOVE for us . Imagine you are the most evil child on earth( i said imagine) , always thinking of evil plans to trick your dad or play a prank at him . When he scolds you , you rebel. When he seeks you. You play hide and seek with him. When he wants hold your hand and guide you. You listen to your friends instead. Familar? now read it again as a parallel to our own life. what would be the rating now 1-10 how evil are you. Now feeling sad already? BUT YOU KNOW WHAT. GOD OUR FATHER! DIED FOR US EVEN THOUGH WE ARE STILL SINNERS! What a AWESOME GOD is He! we were disobedient, and we have not done His will , YET He still loves us for who we are. So who are we to complain about suffering when Jesus died on the cross for us. He was the one that suffered for us. we will never be able to imagine how much pain he went through . (passion of christ is just a movie, i bet in real life it is X9999999999999 WORST! )

From the material: A verse that came to my mind was john chapter 3 verse 16. A verse that is common to us , but yet lies a deep meaning in it. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." God actually loves us so much that he sent his ONLY SON to die for us . That is what we should know about sacrificial love. And in this era, what we could do is to GIVE UP SOMETHING THAT YOU VALUE MOST for God. We must also learn to sacrifice the treasures that we have just like God who sacrifice his Son. the line that spoke to me was "It may be more helpful to think of sacrificial love as a willingness to live for other people by serving them.It's the kind of love that joyfully gives up something of value – like time or money or even physical energy and labour – for the greater purpose of showing the depth of God's love."

Challenge : TO SACRIFICE SOMETHING THAT YOU VALUE TO GOD. EG: IF I PLAY COMPUTER ALOT. so i will GIVE UP the time spent with my computer and instead spend the time with God. Think about what you want to sacrifice. And start doing it today!

By The Hot & Sexy Jared Kohhhh....

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