Tuesday, June 23, 2009


hello! wello! cello! bello! jello! HAHAHHA..greetings everyone!!!!so how was your day today?i watched hannah montannah! it wasnt that good but the songs were nice and i so wanna learn the hoedown throwdown song!!!!

hahahah....so anyways i hoped you have done the devotion for the day. If you have done so, you will know that its entitled "created in his image".well actually i was suppose to do yesterday's devotion but because of some reasons, i exchanged with christabel and took over today's reflection. Personally, i feel that God was actually trying to talk to me through this passage. Honestly, to share with all of you, i am actually in the midst of searching for who i really am. haha dont fear i am not suffering from identity crisis.But sometimes, i do get affected by how people judge me in terms of personality and looks. I mean i think most of you will understand where i am coming from. We all live in a world where people are superficial, everyone places so much emphasis on outer appearance. Like people will rate each other, some will probably go up and talk to others because they look better. Of course, as we all know beauty is skin deep but in this harsh world we are living in, people tend not to concentrate so much on one's personality.

The passage impacted me and actually comforted me. If i think about it, i actually have a lot to thank God for. My friends who i can count on, my family who loves me unconditionally, school i can attend etc. Compared to many children in this world, i think i seriously am very very fortunate. At least i can walk safely on the grass and not worry whether i am going to lose my leg. But sadly most of the time, we prefer to compare ourselves to those we are wealthier and better looking. One thing that my mum always thought me and will be etched in my mind is that in everything i do and have, give thanks. Last time, my mum used to pray with me and despite my really sucky grades, my mum still thank God and said that i still have many opportunities in life and as long as i am living, chances are aplenty.(ya my mum is quite cool as me..ahaha joking). With this is mind, i am actually quite ashamed of myself and my low self esteem.

I guess from today onwards i must bear this in mind that i should not brood over the things i dont have, but thank God for what i have. What i have taken back from this passage is that we should all thank God for giving us the opportunity to live on this world. With life, we are able to experience emotions, we are able to love and care for others and we are able to make decisions and choices. That is also what it means to be created in his image. Because God is love and that is what he wants us to do. If you ask me, what do i think is the most important thing is life, my reply will be love. Some people may not feel the same way but say that money is the most important thing is life because money can destroy or build a person up. Of course we are all familiar with the saying" money is the root of evil". But think again, is money the root of all evil or rather the LOVE for money that is the root of evil. This may seem out of point but with this i would like to direct you to the point and emphasize how Love changes everything. So the main point that i hope you will all take from this passage is that, to be created in God's image means that we should actually live like how God does which means loving each other and when we are able to do so, we will be able to have a closer relationship with God:)

The bible verse for today which is psalm 139:13-14 states " For you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made." So at times when you are feeling down and unhappy with yourself, remember this verse and draw strength from it. Our bodies on earth are actually temporal. Its actually an empty shell, its what that goes inside it that is most important and it is shown through our actions and words. I would like to close with this personal motto which i think is very refreshing and i hope it encourages you. " Do not let the world change you, you change the world". I know its not as easy as it seems because talk is cheap. Therefore it is my prayer that all of you will encourage and edge each other on when you are feeling down or disappointed with yourself. I would like to end with the verse from John 15;16 its says " I am chosen and appointed by christ to bear his fruit". Remember how God made us and live up to what he wants us to be which is to serve him and love others!!!!

hehe sorry that this was posted kinda late. Poly killed my brain cells and i had difficulties putting my thoughts into words..hehhehe..Take care you all! LOVE LOADS!

By Dionne Hoe-down Throwdown

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