I AM SO GLAD THAT THE WEEKENDS ARE HERE AND WE CAN FINALLY PARTAYEEEEE!!! wahhh i tell you, when my A'lvls are over arh, i am totally gonna go crazy and paint the whole town red, toiletpaper all your houses, burn all your potted plants, dance hoedown throwdown for you and force you to clap whether you like it or not, etc etc I CANNOT WAIT :D:D:D
okok anyway, that is not the point for tonight. TONIGHT, I AM GONNA SHARE MY FEELINGS ON "LOVING MY ENEMY". wah just typing the title makes me agitated already!!!! hahaha, okay cmon everyone let's face it, we all totally struggle with this right, i mean we all are human and we're not perfect.
Seriously, forgiveness is a very difficult decision to make and action to carry out because it requires a lot of effort trying to let go of the hurt that others have inflicted upon us and also because our human spirits always seek some form of revenge or appeasement when others hurt us. I can remember many instances when forgiveness has been very painful and difficult for me. Once instance was during my sec3 period when i started to drift apart from a grp of friends due to some circumstances and also cos puberty was totally messing with all of us and we were all going through periods of change. Honestly, I felt v hurt and angry that they treated me as like second/third/fourth/whatever fiddle just cos they met new friends. SUPER ANNOYING OKAY. but i really thank God that He kept speaking to me during that period and sent Eugenia and Dionne to journey with me through that difficult patch. I knew that while it was hard to forgive to love them again, God was also telling me that I shd be mature and not completely ruin the friendship. Plus I wasnt perfect too so I didnt have all the right to point my finger at them. Eventually, God healed the friendship, but while we may not be as close anymore, the friendship has definitely taken on a more mature nature.
So you see friends, when God says to forgive, He doesnt do it to make things worse for us. While it may be hard initially, trust God that ultimately, He will make smth good come out of it. And besides, without showing forgiveness we can never fully express love. And if God can love such imperfect beings as us, then who are we to say that someone else doesnt deserve to be loved. Afterall, genuine love is the most attractive feature in this world because such love weathers the test of trials and time and everyone yearns for such acceptance. Forgiveness and love is a decision we make everyday, it is not something we merely feel. We can all choose to love despite the difficult circumstances, just as Jesus chose to love us despite our shortcomings and the countless times we have upsetted Him.
Everyday i meet someone whom I find hard to interact with and it is a daily struggle to accept and love such people, but i really pray that God will give me and give us all the strength to accept and treat such peopl with love and care because they too are God's precious creations. Besides, we're not perfect either, and if we want to be loved despite our flaws then we too should love others despite theirs.
So make it a conscious and deliberate choice to forgive and love everyone everyday as God has loved you! And if you struggle, FRET NOT. God is always only a prayer away and you have your fellow siblings-in-Christ who are trodding this tedious journey too. Get someone to pray with or for you and be an encouragement to others too so that we can all help each other in this journey of loving the world!!! I cannot tell you how much strength and encouragement God has given me through awesome friends like Dionne, Jillian and Eugenia :D
"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins." -1 Peter 4:8
Boom boom clap boom de clap de clap!
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