Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 7: Blessed Be Your name

Hey people! yeah i know it's a monday and you're probably missing the weekends
as much as i do. It's gonna be a rather rough week ahead for me, buisness stats exam and formal presentations coming up.. all this suits and ties.. BUT amidst all the stress, today's passage binds in perfectly.

Today's passage would be about praising the lord, no matter what may come our way, as everything comes from Him. We can see from the passage, Job at one moment had 7 sons, 3 daughters, 7000 sheeps, 3000 camels, 500 oxen, 500 donkeys and a large number of servants. If you can't picture it, all those things that job owned in today's context would roughly equate to a couple of lambos, and a heap of gibson flying V's. However in the space of a couple of minutes, job lost everything he had.

What would you do if you were in job's shoes? losing that much wealth or material possessions would drive any human being mad, would you curse god or question him 'WHY ME!?' I admit if i were to lose everything that i have, i would question god and ask him why has it have to be me. But, we need to learn from Job, although he lost everything he still said 'Naked came i out of my mother's womb and naked shall i return. The lord gave, and the lord has taken away; blessed is the name of the lord". No matter what happens to us, the lord has given and He also can take them away, He will not allow something that we cannot bear. I know it's gonna be hard, but we have to fall on our knees and rejoice him no matter what the outcome.

Like the morning, when you guys were suppose to experience the sunrise. Even though i wasn't there, i can picture the lightning flashes linking the horizon and the heavens. You guys probably didn't manage to catch the sunrise, i believe God was working and was trying to show you guys something, how often do you get to see lightning and thunder in the morning by the beach? No matter how cloudly or stormy things may get, we know that the lord, like the sun is always there, shining.

It is really comforting to know that God will always be there for you no matter the situation, it's like the story hern shung shared last sunday, when it looks like there is only 1 footprint in the sand during troubled times, remember that we're not walking alone, but it's God who is carrying us. I pray that we all will grow to be like Job, and praise the lord no matter how grey things may get. Blessed be his name.


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